After graduating from the École nationale des Beaux-Arts de Lyon in 2005, he went on to take up several residencies, including those at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten (Amsterdam) in 2006 and 2007 and at the Cité internationale des arts (Paris) from 2014 to 2016. By turns a sculptor, painter and assembler, the artist multiplies his practices and quickly establishes himself as an experimenter with materials and objects.

Vincent Olinet's work is striking for its exuberance. The artist chooses popular objects that are part of the collective unconscious, then invents new uses for them and new forms with (falsely?) enchanting promises. The Hors Décor exhibition is multi-faceted: photographs, video, drawings, sculptures and installations.
Prolific, Vincent Olinet works mainly in series. His works, as diverse as they are, have one thing in common: their sweet colours and their first appearance of wonder. The artist draws inspiration from universal concepts - hunger, seduction, the passage of time - to create a varied plastic vocabulary. Wig brooms, dripping birthday cakes, animated candlesticks or pastel-coloured wallpaper... In a process of reinterpretation, the artist frees the object from its original function to explore new narratives. Through this process, Vincent Olinet manages to generate a spontaneous reflection on the very value of things.
From the banal to the marvellous, and then from the marvellous to the nightmarish, Vincent Olinet produces contemporary vanitas. By appealing to a shared imagination, the artist reminds us that in reality, nothing is as beautiful as we imagine it to be.